Friday, April 24, 2009

Springy Friday Greetings!

While this weekend appears to be unseasonably warm, I plan to enjoy every minute of it! Today it's in the mid-60's, tomorrow the mid-70's and we're supposed to hit 80 on Sunday!!! It'll be back in the 50's next week, but I don't care right now - I plan to enjoy every bit of the sunshine and warmth that this weekend offers.

Leaves are starting to pop out on trees, flowers are beginning to bloom....I plan to spend lots of time outside this weekend taking pictures, and I'll post some for you as the world up here begins to burst with new life. I can't wait!

It's been a long winter folks, in every way, and as new life begins to emerge, I find myself excited about what God has in store. As our faith and trust in Him is sharpened and strengthened through the valleys, it makes the spring that much more beautiful. And to be honest, it makes Him that much more beautiful too. His redemption, His sacrifice on our behalf, His's enough.

This is a crazy weekend for the Jones family. My parents are packing up their house in GA as we speak and will be heading out for good at the end of the weekend. Pray for them as the permanence of their new adventure settles in.

In the meantime, I leave you with this. When my soon to be roommate had her birthday earlier this year, I made this for her. The picture is one I took last year and the words are lyrics from a Charlie Hall song. As difficult as this path has been over the past few years, I do believe God works all things for good....that He heals, that He redeems, that He restores, and that He brings beauty out of ashes. And because of all of that, we can all bloom again - no matter what circumstances we are in or have walked through. May God surround you with a tangible expression of His redemptive love this weekend!

1 comment:

Jill said...

What a great reminder to wake up to this morning having awakened in our house for the last time. I can't wait to see your pictures from your outdoor wanderings this weekend! Love you lots!