Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Greetings from the Great White North, where it is cold and rainy outside and the sun has forgotten how to shine. I looked at the 10 day weather forecast the other day, and every day for 10 days, it said cloudy or rainy. There was not a single sunshine picture!! Sigh.... Remind me when I'm melting in Orlando in July of these cool days, okay??

Anyway, I thought I'd share an update with you guys on this whole anxiety journey I have been on. As I mentioned in a previous post, which you can read a few entries below, I started taking some medication for anxiety to help me get through this time. Well....it has been quite awful! The medicine I got put on was klonopin, and may I please say - don't EVER take this drug!!!! Although it did help me to relax, I ended up having an allergic reaction to it and had to stop taking it immediately. That is problem number one because you make the withdrawal symptoms worse when you stop it suddenly. As I had no choice, too bad for me. It's also a highly addictive drug, and the withdrawal from it is similar to what an alcoholic's is like.

It has been 10 days since I have had any, and I am in the midst of the most awful withdrawal. I have never been through anything like this before, and may I just say, it is not pleasant! I will spare you the details of all of the symptoms, but if you're interested in what they are, click here and scroll down to the list of symptoms. I can say that I am experiencing about 85% of the listed conditions. Awesome.

In the midst of all this madness - and in some of the worst symptoms I've had in this whole process - a friend of mine came to visit over the weekend. Karen and I were best friends in middle school and our freshman year of high school, and then her family moved to VA. In the 15 years since then, we've only seen each other once, and that was 7 years ago, although we have stayed in touch through the years. She'd never been to Boston, so she got to come and hopefully experience a great tour of the city, even though I could barely stand up! All the pictures in the post are from our time downtown. The one of the two of us was after we spent about 8 hours in the city while I was in serious detox. Not too horrible of a picture, right??

Apparently when you go through withdrawal, your symptoms peak, then they plateau, and then they gradually start to improve. All of this can take at least twice as long as you were actually on the medication, if not longer. I'm hoping that this weekend was the peak and that I'm in the midst of the plateau and that really really really soon I will start to improve. I'm having a hard time eating - not much of an appetite, nausea, etc. - and I've already lost at least 5 pounds.

For those of you who know me well, you know I'm a "fix-it" kind of girl. Encounter problem, figure out solution, fix problem, and move on. Only problem in this is that there really isn't a way to fix it. You just have to suck it up and go through it. I have also always kind of figured that in the midst of crap, God is surely trying to teach me some sort of lesson, and the sooner I learn it, the sooner the crap will go away. Except for I don't really believe that anymore after these last 2 years. I do think God uses our circumstances to help refine our faith and smooth away the rough edges, but I don't think the circumstances changing depend on whether or not we've "learned our lesson".

So what now? Folks, I'll be honest - I'm barely hanging in there. It is seriously taking every ounce of everything that I have to make it through these days, fighting my body's reaction, trying to work, just trying to survive. But in the midst of it all, I am clinging to God, trusting that He hasn't fallen asleep, and having great sympathy for those who are drug addicts and people who go through withdrawal. I know now how people end up as addicts because in the worst of all of this, all I wanted to do was take a pill to make it better. Thankfully, God has given me what I needed through each moment (and all pills have been flushed!), but I do have a much better sensitivity towards those who end up where they never dreamed of getting. Hey - this is a good lesson to learn, right? Can we move on now please?? :)

Anyway, for those of you who are my Massachusetts friends, hug me whenever you see me. Hugs are good. For those of you who are my Georgia friends or people from elsewhere in the country, hug me through your prayers. I need them. God is sufficient. His power is made perfect in my weakness. And He carries me when I can't walk.....but I'd prefer that on this particular adventure, He not carry me to a tiny room with padded walls!! :)

Thanks for your support, encouragement, prayer and love. Means more than you know. And maybe even asking for prayer helps - I ate a banana while I wrote this post! I'll keep you guys updated on this journey as it continues to unfold...Beauty out of ashes....spring out of winter....please God, let it be so.


E said...

We are praying for you. I am so sorry you're dealing with this. Praise God through it all, and I know you will make it. Love you, friend.


Brandi Bonds said...

I will hug you every day my dear Tiffany! I love you girl and I will do whatever I can to help you thru this.

Jill said...

Thank you for such transparent honesty as your heart and body have been laid open for all to see. I don't understand the "why" but I do know that someday, "this too shall be made right".

We are loving you from afar, holding you in prayer, and will hug you many times when we see you in just a little over a week at Nathan's wedding. May God grant you peace and a quick recovery from this withdrawal process.

You're an amazing testimony of God's unwavering faithfulness. Hang in there and I love you lots! Mom

Glenda said...

Oh Tiffany, it breaks my heart to hear all you are going through. The very medications that are to help have caused you to suffer and that is just not fair at all. I agree with you that learning our lesson does not always mean the time of our suffering will lessen too! I pray God will help your body come through this horrible detox and give you a supernatural peace in every cell of your body and mind. I pray He will comfort you from the inside out. I love you dearly, and you know Paige loves you too! I'm honored to have a friend like you who can share her heart with such transparency. Lots of hugs from GA, Glenda

uncle john said...

I'm sorry you're experiencing such a difficult time right now. I'm proud of you for making the decision to confront the problem head on and fight through it. I'm sure you will prevail and feel better soon! I will send some extra "hug Prayers" your way!! Hang in there.

Suzanne said...

Praying for you and holding you oh so close in our hearts - I'll hug you in person at the Freeman wedding! Hang in there sweet girl.

Glenda said...

Thinking of you today Tiffany, and praying the suffering you've endured from your medication is lifting! God's grace and mercy are new every single day - I pray He will remind you just how much you are loved and treasured!

In Him, Glenda