Sunday, May 10, 2009

Thank You!

Hi everybody! I just wanted to post a quick update and let you know how things are going. I am SLOWLY starting to feel like I am getting better. A lot of the worst symptoms are starting to fade, and I am beginning to think there may just be a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm still really tired and also fighting the mad pollen that is floating around outside, but I'm hanging in there. I did want to say thank you for your prayers and hugs over this last week. I do think that there are times when that has helped carry me through a moment of panic or my body feeling horrible or whatever. Jesus has been so faithful to me in every way, so thank you for being a part of His faithfulness.

In the midst of all of the physical issues that I have been battling, God has also really been working in my heart, digging deeper to another layer to bring more and more healing to my life. This can be a painful process at times, but it has also been an incredibly beautiful time to walk through. Sometimes God speaks to us in gentle, quiet ways. Sometimes He shouts His message loud and clear from the rooftops. And this week, He has been in my face with the reminder of how much He loves me. He loves me just for who I am - for who He specially created me to be - and that is enough.

Not long after I moved here, I wrote a post about being free, which if you wish, you can read here. I have been reminded of that day again lately. Because of what Christ did on the cross, I am free for eternity. But eternity has already started, and I'm free now too. I needed that reminder this week and am thankful for God's faithfulness in providing tangible evidence of His love for me. I hope that as we all go through this week, we will live in the freedom that comes from knowing Christ. Thanks again for your prayers - don't stop! :) Much love to you all...


Jill said...

It was put before me last night that God has indeed "brought us through". How fitting that you get to see the beauty of spring around you as you are emerging from the ashes and bloom again. I can't wait to see you this weekend and hug you too!

Glenda said...

I am so thankful you are healing Tiffany! God bless you...and may you feel His "hugs" too!

In Him,Glenda

E said...

God continues to amaze me by using you of an example of his grace and everlasting Love. He truly can and will carry us through anything! I love you.