Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Singing Christmas Trees

Greetings from the Sunshine State! I did enjoy my time living in Gloucester, but I must say that I am thankful to not be in the Great White North for another winter. The high temps are in the 20's there right now, and I am quite excited to still be able to wear short sleeves outside!!

I know I've shared in some previous blog entries about participating in the Singing Christmas Trees at First Baptist Church Orlando, but I wanted to share a few pictures with you guys so you could get a better idea of what it was like to actually be in the Trees. Here are a couple of pictures of the whole trees so you can see how tall they were.

There are several entrances on each tree - the bottom 5 rows enter from one area, and then the rest of the rows climb a ladder and scoot in to the right spot. The whole structure is built on a scaffolding system. They have boxes that you stand on if necessary so that everyone is approximately the same height. I had to stand on a 10 inch box. :) There is barely enough room for me to fit into the tree, which is crazy! Here are a couple of pictures of me and Nikki in our spots.

For the actual performances, we all wear white t-shirts and jeans, and then we wear a sparkly top that only covers the upper part of the body because that is all you see. You are also supposed to wear extra makeup so you show up in the tree and don't look too ghostly. Here we are in our capes!

I really enjoyed my time rehearsing with and performing in the Trees. It was a great experience and something I've never done before. I'm very thankful I had the opportunity to participate. It was cool to be in a choir, since I've always been on the instrumental side of things. I did get to play in the orchestra for two of the shows because one of their percussionists had to be out. It was so nice to get back in an orchestral setting and remember how much I love playing. It's been awhile....and I am grateful I had to chance to play again as well. All in all, it was a great experience and I don't think I'll ever forget what it's like to squish into a tree and be part of the decoration! :)

A week from today I'll be driving up to GA to spend Christmas with the fam. Looking forward to that! Much more to share, so keep checking in for updates. Have a great week! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is it a formal event or casual