Monday, March 22, 2010

The Wedding Rehearsal

Hi everyone! I know you are all interested in seeing pictures from the wedding, so I'll do my best to get a few posts up this week so you can see everything. I am back in Florida after having an amazing time in the Great White North, where we actually had the most glorious weather for the wedding festivities. The wedding day temp was actually 72, which was quite nice! Anyway, here are some pictures and stories from the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.

As you will find at any rehearsal, there is a lot of standing around. We had fun though and laughed a lot. This is the wedding party, minus me since I was taking the picture.

As Bekah practiced walking down the aisle, Michael was goofing off and pretending to faint. It's hard to see in this picture, but Matthew caught him as he "fell".

Bekah was trying not to cry as she came down the aisle, but most of the bridesmaids were crying, which made her cry. In this picture though, she was just excited to see Michael. Or perhaps trying really hard not to cry! :)

As part of the ceremony, all the parents came up front. My parents were asked "who gives this groom", along with Bekah's parents being asked who gives the bride. It was actually really cool to see. Might have to copy that some day...

Here is a cute picture of my parents as they watched the proceedings.

After they were finished with the bridal party and going over the parts of the ceremony, I climbed on top of a table to get a few pictures. This is one of my favorite pictures from the entire weekend. I love the look of excitement and anticipation and love on Michael and Bekah's faces. It makes my heart smile.

Here's a sneak peek to a wedding picture....similar looks on the faces!

Here's another of my favorite pictures from the rehearsal, but I have to share a bit of the story behind it. Bekah actually liked my brother for a couple of years before they started dating. She thought he was a really solid guy and was interested in getting to know him but had a very hard time getting past the fact that he wore orange crocs. After they started dating, it became quite the joke, so of course my brother had to wear them for the rehearsal. This picture is a great insight into who they are as individuals. :)

Now on to the rehearsal dinner. We brought the south to the Great White North and had a southern cookout. Thankfully the weather was nice, as we grilled hotdogs and hamburgers and had all the fixings. We even brought in bottled cokes to go with the sweet tea and lemonade and had cute little "picnic tables" for folks to sit at.

It was fun to see everyone try different things. My friend Joanna, originally from Canada, had never had a chili dog before. Here she is taking a bite of her very first one. She is now a fan!

The one request Michael had for the dinner was that I make homemade banana pudding for dessert. Thanks to help from a couple of awesome ladies, we made four, and they were delicious! We had moon pies to go along with them, but those weren't quite as popular. As one of the southern groomsmen said, we're not sure why people eat them so much in the south - they aren't really all that good!

I think that is enough for now! I'll put a post from the wedding day up soon. It was a really great wedding and a special time was shared. And just like all weddings have some sort of story that happens, this one did too! More pictures to come soon, as well as the explanation of how the fire alarm went off and why the fire department showed up at the reception!!!


E said...

Looks like it was an awesome time! I hope you're doing well, too!

Glenda said...

I'm sure it was amazing to be with your baby brother on his wedding weekend. I look forward to seeing more of your lovely photos...and hearing what caused the fire dept. to come! Love you Tiffany! Hugs, Glenda