Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Update

Hi everyone! I'm taking a quick reading break to bring you this bloggy update. I don't have much time, so here goes the random updates of life here....

*I finished my first grad school paper today!!! :) I am quite excited about this! I actually have 4 papers and one project due in the next 4 weeks, but let's not think about that right now and ruin the excitement over finishing the first one.

*I actually never ever thought I'd go back to school. Ever. There wasn't anything I was interested in enough to do the school thing again of studying and writing papers. Never say never though. Now that I am back in school, it's really cool to see how awesome it is to study something you are passionate about doing. And I've been reminded how much I like being challenged and learning new things. I LOVE SCHOOL! :)

*The Braves are killing me. The postseason was ours for the taking. And we still have a shot. But if we don't start playing better and win some games, the playoffs will not be ours to experience. 7 more days. C'mon guys!

*I am really tired. It's quite difficult to either be working, sitting in class, or reading/writing. I literally don't have much time for anything else. I'm trying to do one fun thing a week to make sure I keep life balanced. Pray for me though because I don't have any days where I can just relax and do nothing. Pray for amazing energy and strength to make it during this season of life and that I will enjoy each minute of it!

*I am making chili for dinner tonight. I know some of you are actually experiencing fall like weather and temperatures now. We are not - it's really hot here still. But since it's about to be October, I'm pretending like it's fall-like outside and will enjoy my chili immensely!

*Praise Jesus for the invention of ice cream and chocolate. :)

Love you all - have a great week!

2 comments: said...

I am loving school, too! Espcially enjoying getting to know people like you!

Leanne and Mike said...

Never say never is right! It is amazing how life doesn't seem to follow the plan we had created for ourselves when we were young and thought we knew everything. Enjoy the chili!!! Cyber hug!