Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It Is What It Is...

Sometimes after class I feel the need to process something that was discussed because it affects me in a profound way or it irritates me or pricks my heart and I know I need to think more about it. A lot of the processing happens with classmates, the roommate, my mom or in counseling, but sometimes I like to share my processing with all of you. So here's a random tidbit of learning for you to think about as well....

Tonight in class my professor was talking about counseling and how that oftentimes, things do not go as planned. Maybe we had something in mind prior to the session that we wanted to do and the client refuses or doesn't really cooperate. Maybe we thought they'd go one direction and they go in the opposite direction instead. Maybe we have no idea what to say or do in that moment. He said some of the best advice he could give us is this: It is what it is....and God is in control. It is what it is - that moment is the reality you are dealing with, so be in that moment and go from there. Even though it's simple, I found that to be very profound. How often do we wish away a moment or wish that our reality was different than it is? But perhaps all God is asking of us is to be present in that moment...to experience all that He has for us, even if it means experiencing the pain or heartache that we desperately want to escape from. Or to be fully present in unimaginable joy, relishing the moment without looking forward and missing it. I don't necessarily have any answers or anything, but this is how I process. So let's process together! What would it be like to approach life with that mindset? It is what it is....and God is in control.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I actually think this whole concept is the "key" to living fully alive in Christ. After all, God called Himself, "I Am". I waste way too much time fretting over what isn't instead of accepting and living in what is. Thanks for the great reminder! Love you!