Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sinus Issues

Greetings and happy Saturday to you all! I have a prayer request to share with you this evening that is somewhat random but important all the same. This is a post that includes a medical discussion about snot, so don't continue reading if that will gross you out. :) I went to the doctor this past week because I had a place on my throat that had been there for about 4 months and I wanted to make sure everything was okay. My throat was fine, which is good, but in the process of looking at that, my doctor told me that he was concerned that I was having constant nasal drip based on the appearance of my throat. Long story short, he took an x-ray of my sinuses and it turns out that one of my front sinus cavities is almost completely blocked with infection and has been for some time. I had no idea this was the case, but it does explain constant drainage and waking up every day with a sore throat.

I have been put on an antibiotic for a month because apparently no ENT will do anything with your sinuses unless you have first tried the antibiotic. At the end of the month of drugs, I will have a CT scan done of my sinus cavity. If it comes back clear, hurray for me - the antibiotics worked! If it does not, the only solution is to have sinus surgery where they will scrape out my sinus to remove the infection. Sounds pleasant, yes? Anyway, he said antibiotics only work on 2 out of 10 people. Here is where the prayer request comes in. Please pray that I will be one of the 2! :) I already barely have time to sleep with work and school and I'd rather not try to fit a surgery in there too.

I've been on the antibiotic for three days now, and for the past 2 days, I have been extremely nauseous as my body was adjusting to the medicine (I love being so drug sensitive..). Today I have not felt well. Either in a total coincidence I am fighting a cold OR the medicine is actually working and my sinus is beginning to drain. Regardless, I have lots o' drainage down my throat, my throat hurts and my head hurts. I was feeling fine until I started the medicine, but if this works, I'll take it.

So that is the news on my poor sinus that I never knew was infected. I'll keep you posted on what happens and again would appreciate the prayers that when it comes time for the CT scan, it will be clear. Another post to come in the next few days, AND school starts back on Tuesday! Have a great weekend!


E said...

I will be praying for you, sweet friend!

Unknown said...

Prayers will definitely be said. Doug suffers with sinus issues alot. He seems to live on sudafed and advil. But something that does help him is the Netti Pot. It washes out your sinuses; however I'm not sure how far up it goes...It's worth a try though. It feels really good after you have done it. His mother swears by it. She does it everyday and has not had a sinus headache or infection in years. Praying your system adjusts to the antibiotic and that is cures your infection. Love you!