Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy Sunday!

Hello friends and family! I have been a bad blogger this week! I had grand plans of posting bunches of pictures, and I had plans of doing that this weekend. But the weekend has not gone exactly the way I planned, which is totally just means you have to wait a bit longer for a massive picture post. I did want to put up a post though and show you a couple of things from the office.

Awhile back, I posted pictures of my very own office, and I have recently hung some pictures, gotten a bookshelf (that I put together all by myself!!), and I thought you might like to see the end result. The beautiful flowers in the picture are from my most fabulous Pa, who sent them to me to remind me how much I am loved. Thanks, Pa!

On Friday at work, I had to wear a Florida Gator shirt because I had made a bet earlier in the fall and lost. The president of the company I work for is a huge Gator fan, so when they played UGA, we made a bet. Loser had to wear the other team's shirt for a day. He was actually very nice to me and didn't get me an obnoxious shirt to wear. I wouldn't have been that nice!! Michael snapped this picture for me, but he wouldn't speak to me until I had changed shirts. :)

It snowed about 6 more inches today, and it's supposed to snow a few more inches tonight. It was big fluffy snow, so it stuck to everything. I wish you could see what it looks like - Narnia meets winter wonderland meets....well, there are just no words. I'm going to try to take a few pictures tomorrow to share with you. And I really will post pictures from the holidays sometime this week. Have a great week!


E said...

The flowers are beautiful! I hope you have a great week! :) Love ya!

Jill said...

Can't wait to see pictures of the snow. I suppose you should at least be thankful you didn't have to wear a neon orange shirt with a giant gator head on the front of it! So much for cheering for the home team, right? :)

Have a good Monday! Love you!