Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year Ponderings

Greetings to you all from the frigid north! I apologize for being so slack on the blogging. It's just because I was so busy hanging out with so many of you over the last couple of weeks that I had no time to sit down and post anything! I will do my best to get caught up and share as much as I can with you over these next days.

To begin with, Happy New Year! The start of a new year always fills me with various emotions as I look back over the past year and ponder what lies ahead. I've never been a big "New Year's resolutions" kind of girl, but it is a good time to take stock and see if there are areas in my life that I would like to see change.

Earlier today, I went to the hospital to visit my friend Rachael and got to hold her not even 24 hours old son. To look at something so tiny and yet so complete is awesome. I don't know how anyone can see new babies and not believe in God. To know that He cares so much about us that He formed each unique detail of us, down to the things that scientists are still learning about the human body... He loves us, He knows the number of our days before we are even formed....and yet we waste so much of life worrying about things beyond our control. Check out baby William resting peacefully in his new world.

I'm not sure what the northern traditions for New Year's are, but in the south, on New Year's Day, you're supposed to eat black-eyed peas and collard (or turnip) greens - black-eyes for good luck and greens for wealth. I love black-eyed peas, but I detest greens of any kind (sorry Dad!)....and I'm not superstitious enough to eat them just for prosperity. Anyway, on New Year's, some friends were over at our house and had brought these dishes for dinner. My cousin and I were talking about why you eat each thing and he said something about not caring if he had a good year. I responded by saying I'd really like 2009 to be a good year. A very wise person standing next to me asked me what I would consider to be a "good year". I have to admit, I was pretty stumped and didn't really have an answer at that time.

What would I consider to be a good year? What would have to happen or not happen for me to look back at the end of 2009 and think, "now that was a good year!"? What would make you have a good year? I think this is something important for each of us to ponder because when you stop and think about it, most of the things we dream about happening, if we're honest....well, maybe they aren't as important as we might think. Or maybe they are important but maybe they're not really the point. I challenge you to consider this question as we begin a new year. Don't let life just happen to you this year. Be intentional in every aspect - in your relationship with God, with family and friends, in how you spend your time, in what you say....everything.

May we live 2009 like baby William - completely dependent on God for our very next breath, indeed our very survival - and yet completely at peace in His love and grace.

Many stories and pictures to come, but for now, I leave you with these shots of some of my favorite people in the world. I love you guys!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! Great family pictures (and of course, the one of William is adorable!). Just to fill you in - in the north, or at least most people I know in the north, eat pork and sauerkraut (sp?) on New Year's Day for the same reason "ya'll" eat black-eyed peas and greens. I think the pork and kraut is originally a German tradition. We've had it every New Year's Day that I can remember (even when we lived in the South)! Have a good start to the week! P.S. One of my "resolutions" is to make it to Boston for a visit in 2009!

Janet said...

Happy New Year to you & Michael and I'm glad I got to see you, even briefly. As I enter the new year I'm just thanking God that I have a many people don't.

Glenda said...

It is a wonder to behold when you see a newborn baby...such a reminder of God's love and blessing! We are in absolute awe at our son's little baby boy!

Happy New Year Tiffany!


Jill said...

Although Rachael probably isn't, I'm glad you made it back in time for William to be born. Babies are most definitely a wonderful way to start people. :)

For the record, I tasted the greens on New Year's Day and have decided I'll take my chances on whether eating them provides the "green" in my life. Yuck!! I'll eat sauerkraut with Karen!

I'm still pondering your question about what would make this a good year. Good food for thought!

Off to bed - check out Kit's very own entry on my blog. :) I miss you and love you!