Sunday, August 29, 2010

Stream of Consciousness

Greetings! You may find more blogs like this in the future, where I don't have a lot of brainpower and/or time and just put my random thoughts into a quick blog. It could be interesting! :) So on this last Sunday in August, as I look forward to starting school this week, here are my random thoughts....

*Roadkill... There has been kind of a lot of roadkill around here lately. The disturbing part is that almost as soon as the poor animal is dead, the very large, well-fed huge vultures descend on said animal and soon it is no more. This happened to an armadillo looking animal right outside my apartment parking lot the other day. The only thing left now is his shell. Today they were surrounding a huge turtle. I realize they have to eat and this is the way God created things. But it's rather disturbing to see. And gross. And they have to be such fat vultures? It means way too many creatures have met with their demise...

*I was squeezing lemons at Chick-fil-A yesterday (yes, we really do have homemade lemonade. We hand squeeze the lemons every day and then add lots and lots of sugar and some water.). As I was squeezing, one of the lemons slipped and I juiced my knuckle instead. I would not recommend this! Today my knuckle is bruised and a little swollen and sore. :(

*I know people might think I'm sometimes a little crazy for wearing fun socks and keeping my inner child alive. But did you know it's catching?? Yesterday at the Chick, we were listening to music while we were making all the food, and we turned the radio to a Disney station. It was playing all the classic Disney songs, and I might have helped start the sing-a-long by belting out a few lines, but before long everyone had joined in, boys included. Sometimes the inner child just needs a bit of encouragement before it makes an appearance!

*I'm very thankful that school is starting all around the world. Disney World is back to how it should be - no lines, just waiting for me to show up and ride some rides. :)

*I have done a lot of reading for my first classes this week - trying to stay current on the reading assignments. I haven't even been to class yet and I've learned a lot. I have a feeling this whole experience is going to change my life on every level. Scary and yet exciting!!

*We're keeping an eye on all of the storms out in the ocean. I may get my wish to tie myself to a tree and hang on after all. We shall see!

*Laughter is good for the soul. I'm off to spend some fun times with the roommate. Have a great week everyone!


1 comment:

Jill said...

I love the randomness of this post! Ew to the roadkill/fat vulture word picture. And smiles to the Disney sing-a-long for your CFA co-workers! How fun!

And yes...go, Braves! Too bad your mother left the game early so she could go to church and then didn't get to. I'm trying not to be bitter.

Love you! Have a great week!