Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My Office & The Ocean

As promised, here are a few pictures from my new office. This first picture is of my desk and so you can see the glorious window that I have. I am so excited to have that window because since it is pitch black by 4:30, I get to see the sun when it is out. AND I'll be able to see the snow fall! The second picture is a picture from the door, and you can see a window that is between my office and my friend Mark's office next door.

It's a little hard to tell the exact green color from these pictures, but this at least gives you a bit of an idea. It's very soothing, and I love it. This next picture is a close up of the window between my office and Mark's. People have taken to drawing pictures with erasable marker on the glass, which is hilarious. And just for the record, I didn't write my name - someone else did!

This is to show you the scarf my mom sent me in the mail. It's currently hanging on my window sill. Everyone loves it!

I do plan to put pictures up on the walls, so I'll take more pictures once it's actually finished, but this gives you at least an idea of my very own office!

I got to leave work early today for the Thanksgiving holiday, and there was a glorious sunset and big waves, so I took some pictures. As we are here on the eve of Thanksgiving, I am very thankful that I live in a place that is as beautiful as this. Love you guys!


Janet said...

Awesome office! I hope you and Michael have a fantastic Thanksgiving...I love you both and will miss you tomorrow.

Jill said...

Fun pictures of your new office! I loved the sunset pictures but am not sure they are quite as creative as your little pig on the window in your office. :) I suppose it's a matter of taste!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and Michael and I'm very sad you won't be with us. But I very thankful God has given you part of His family to be your family away from home and I know you'll have fun.

You will be missed and we love you lots! The Mum

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous! Not only do I NOT have a window in my office, I don't have the ocean close by either. But it was 60 degrees here today!
Have fun decorating your office!
Love you,