Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sick Musings

Greetings from my germ infested apartment, where today we are having a rather lovely fall day with highs in the mid-70's. It's supposed to warm back up to the 80's, but low to mid 80's are better than the 90's we have been having, so I think that will be just fine. It is truly hard to believe that we are in the month of November, mostly due to the weather I'm sure. I'm used to wearing multiple layers and warm clothes by this point in the year, so to still walk around in short sleeves and flip flops is a little different, but I love it! :)

So we have had much sickness here in our apartment. My poor roomie was sick with a really horrible cold for over a week, and then when she started getting better, she got the swine flu. I started taking lots and lots of vitamin C to try to stay well, but alas, I came down with the flu myself late last week, although I did not get it as bad as Nikki. I had to wear a mask at the doctor's office, and anyone who came in my room also wore a mask. Talk about feeling like a leper! It was kind of weird. In honor of Halloween and having a mask to wear, we took the following pictures...

Contrary to how this may appear, Ellie does not like the Tigger costume. She is very afraid of it, which makes holding her difficult. You'd think she would enjoy being held by a big cat!!

My entire family is coming down here for Thanksgiving, and they arrive 3 weeks from today! I am SOOO excited to see everyone! We have many fun things planned, pictures of which will certainly make it into the blog. The Singing Christmas Trees are getting closer too! Our first performance is 4 weeks from Thursday, and I am really looking forward to it. They started building the trees this past weekend, so I'll try to get some pictures. Our first rehearsal actually in the trees is in a few weeks, and it should be really cool!

I am still working my temp job (except for when I am sick on the couch), and I'm hoping it will last through the holidays. It might not though, so I'm trying to look into other options as well. Pray for a permanent full-time job with benefits to show up soon!

That's it for now - off to rest for awhile. Have a good week!


E said...

Praying for you to feel better soon! Jenny will be here ina week from Sunday and my parents come in three weeks from today as well! :)

Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest. :)

Jill said...

I just thought I'd leave a comment and say hello! I hope you feel better soon. It's now Thursday and you're still not well. Go sit in the sunshine and let the extra Vitamin D make you better. :)

Guess what? Three weeks from today we'll be eating turkey together as a family! I'm very excited! Love you lots!