Tuesday, January 26, 2010

On Sunshine And Snot

Greetings, faithful readers of the blog! Thought it was time for a blog facelift. Do you like it? I am sitting on my balcony in the sunshine in shorts and a t-shirt while I type this, and can I just say it is completely glorious?? Temps in the mid-60's, and beautiful blue skies and sunshine that is warm but not too hot....some of the many reasons I love living here! My cat really likes it too. She would live out on the balcony right now if I let her. :)

As far as the snot part of my blog title goes, yes, I have a cold. It's a pretty bad one, too. Very annoying and hard to breathe, and I wonder how one body can produce so much nastiness?! :) I usually get a couple of colds like this a year, and I know it's only January, but I'm counting this as my spring cold. It's spring-like outside, right? Besides, colds are going around here right now, so I'm going to say this is definitely a spring cold and hope I don't get another one in March or April!

In my latest counseling assignment, I am supposed to be coming up with a "life plan". What are my life goals? And then working from that, what steps can I take to achieve those goals? Obviously some things are out of my control, but what am I going to do about the things that are in my control? I think we are all often guilty of sitting around talking about what we want to do or where we hope we end up in life, but then it stops there and nothing happens beyond that. I am being challenged to take action - put my money where my mouth is, and go and do the things I say I want to do. And if I don't go and do them, then do I really want to do those things? I'm about to celebrate my birthday in less than 2 weeks (yay for birthdays!!!), and I want this next year to be one of being proactive - not sitting around waiting for life to happen to me. Lots to ponder.... I don't know about you, but I don't want to get to the end of my life and wonder "what if?" I don't want to have undone a bunch of things I wished I'd tried but just never got around to doing it.

So perhaps in 2010, we can all become a little more action-oriented. What has God put on your heart? Think about that and if you know, then go and do it! Be courageous and see where He leads. And at the end of this year, we can all compare notes about how our lives have changed because we took action. I'm excited to see what is in store!

And now excuse me....I must go blow my nose! Love you all!


Erin G said...

I like the facelift. :)

Jill said...

And I like the new look too. So very sorry about the cold. I love what God is doing in your life right now and in a lot of ways am right there with you. We keep hearing the word "intentional" and every time I do, I'm reminded that I've most of my life unintentionally. It makes for some interesting pondering, doesn't it? It will be fun to compare notes at the end of the year. Good luck with the life plan and we can't wait to hear more.

And a big "yay" for your birthday cuz I get to come see you to help celebrate you!! Keep the sun and warm temperatures ready for me.

Feel better soon. I love you lots!

Glenda said...

Love the new blog look! What I love even more is your continued willingness to share your life with such a sweet transparency. I'm thankful you have a good counselor to walk your journey with you. Thank you for sharing what you learn with the rest of us. God has been dealing with me about being "intentional" too. Psalm 90 has one of my favorite prayers. Teach us dear Lord to number our days, that we might apply our heart unto wisdom. That's my prayer for us all. Love you Tiffany!!!! Have lots of birthday fun in the sun with your sweet mom. I miss you both! Hugs, Glenda