Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Catching Up

I apologize for the lack of blogging. I am fired. Make that tired, and it's pretty accurate. Things have been zany here lately. Work is extremely crazy, so when I get home at night, I don't have a ton of energy left. Sigh.... Being a grown-up is so overrated! In an attempt to continue to enjoy life with the heart of a child, I offer several stories of fun. For Halloween, Michael borrowed my Tigger costume. I was trying to get a picture of him holding Ellie, but I think she thought Tigger was trying to eat her and wasn't very cooperative. This is the best I could do.

As mentioned in a previous post, Uncle Bob came and visited us this past weekend. We had a great time hanging out and showing him around our part of the world. Here are a few pictures of him while he was here. It was a very foggy day that he had to experience the area, but he was a good sport. The last picture shows you how foggy it was - this was at about 2 in the afternoon!

Thanks for everything, Uncle Bob! We had fun and hope you did too!

My parents leave in the morning to drive to Baltimore. Prayer for safe travel would be much appreciated! More blogging to come soon....


Jill said...

Pobre gatito, Ellie!! Actually, it's a pretty funny picture of Michael. The real Tigger wouldn't frighten small animals like that, however.

Glad you had fun when Uncle Bob came. And I'm very sorry you have to be a grown-up at times. But even then, never lose your childlike wonder for God and His world. Lots of fun can happen at work, you just probably won't be able to tell us about it! :)

We'll keep you updated as we drive to Baltimore tomorrow. Maybe we'll make it in one day, although I should probably be packing instead of leaving you a comment so you won't feel neglected.

I love you and miss you and will see you very soon. Christmas is getting closer every day!!

Janet said...

Tell Michael I'm glad I'm not the only family member who lives mostly outside the box! Love you both.

Uncle John said...

Wow... I'm not sure which cat looks more disturbed in the photo.

Glenda said...

Sending you some hugs and love from Paige and from me!