Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Greetings from the land of blue hairs and q-tips! (Q-tips are what my brothers and I call those people in the world with white hair. Ahem.) Hope you are all doing well and enjoying summer so far. I can't believe it is almost mid-July. Where has the time gone??

Anyway, here in the great state of Florida, I am still searching for a job. We've been here for 2 weeks and 2 days, and I know that it takes some time to find a new job, but it's still a little stressful. Hopefully something will be found very soon! In the meantime, along with job searching, I am trying to enjoy this time off while I have it and just relax and rest. Easier said than done at times, but I'm trying to remember that God knows exactly what I need and He's always provided before.

So in trying to relax, I have spent some time at our pool. Notice the storm clouds in the sky. Yes, we stayed at the pool. The clouds blew over. Sometimes they do, most times they don't. It pretty much rains at least once a day here. I've seen some amazing rain and lightening since I've been here. It gives me hope for the hurricane season. I'm already searching out a sturdy tree or post I can tie myself to when the hurricane winds come! Imagine the nature pictures you could get in the middle of a hurricane! :)

Ellie is getting much more comfortable with her new home. She's out and about a lot now, she has adopted Nikki as her new favorite person, and she is claiming various places in the apartment as her own. Here's proof...

Nikki and I got a rug thingy for in front of our kitchen sink. We thought it was appropriate and a good reminder as we begin this new chapter in Orlando.

No matter what circumstances are happening in life, I hope all of us learn how to embrace fully all of what God allows. If there are rainbows, enjoy them. And if there aren't, make sure you jump in some puddles when you dance in the rain. And on that note, I think I'll go read a book. It's tough being unemployed, but someone's gotta do it! :)


Glenda said...

I love your kitchen rug - and have loved that quote for a long time now! I'd like to find one for my kitchen someday! :)

I pray you will hear the Lord's guidance as you continue to look for work. I know He will provide for you and I pray He will give you wisdom to live very thrifty until that job comes!

Matthew 6:25-34 is one of my very favorite passages - reminding me "Do NOT Worry" - something I need to be reminded of a lot! :)

Sending you lots of hugs...Glenda

E said...

Praying for the perfect job for both of you. I am so glad that you're enjoying your down time, as it won't last forever! Hugs to you.

Jill said...

Just wanted to stop by and give you a comment "hello". I love this entry and the reminder that while we might not always have rainbows, we can dance in the rain that does fall. I can't wait to see what job God provides for both you and your singing sister. Have a great day and know that you're loved lots!