Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Welcome To The Sunshine State

Hello friends and family from sunny (although not so much the last two days) Florida! I am so sorry for just now getting a post up about my new home, but I have been in the madness of unpacking AND we finally got wireless internet today! Yay for modern technology!! So now I am sitting on my bed IN MY OWN ROOM THAT HAS A DOOR typing this post. There is much to tell you about, so here goes!

First of all, we have safely made it to Florida, all trucks are unpacked, most boxes are unpacked, and we are slowly getting settled into our new home. Here are a couple of pictures from the last day of our journey down here. We were all very ready to get here by this point!

My mom drove down with us and was so helpful in getting us unpacked and set up. Thanks, Mum - you're the best! She left today to drive back to GA and then to Baltimore, and she will be missed very much. But I do want to show you pictures of our apartment so you can see some of what she helped with. For starters, here is our very cute welcome mat!

When you enter our apartment, there is a little foyer. The door you see on the left is a door into my bathroom, which is what our guests will use. And by the way, please ignore all of the crap all over the place - we're still trying to get everything organized and put away, but I wanted to go ahead and post pictures!

When you walk into the apartment, our living room/dining area is in front of you. The dining area may or may not end up with a table, and it will eventually have a piano there. We also have a really nice sized balcony off the living room, where we will be able to spend much time!

We have a very nice sized kitchen, with my favorite feature highlighted in the second photo.

We also have a laundry room, and I am still getting used to the fact that I can just walk down the hall and use the washer and dryer and don't have to put on my puffy and snow boots to do laundry!

Here are pictures of my bedroom. The first one is looking into my bathroom - I have my own entrance, which is cool. The lamp you see will not be there as soon as my ceiling fan/light gets put up tomorrow!

A few really cool things to pass on....first of all, I got my e-pass yesterday, which lets me drive on any toll road without having to stop and go through tolls. I feel so official! Now I just have to get my license so that I can get a season pass to Disney, and that will be awesome!

Speaking of Disney, we are only 10 minutes away. Each night from our apartment, we are able to see the Magic Kingdom fireworks show! Not gonna lie - it is really really cool!!!! We watched it last night and I have a feeling we'll be watching it often! This is a view from our balcony. The fireworks go off to the right of the buildings, and we have a perfect view of them.

I will post more pictures soon. I need to take some of our general complex. There are a couple of cool features that I want to share with you. I love our area and where we are. We are so close to everything we need - Publix about 3 minutes away and everything else you could want or need about 10 minutes away. But we're out in the middle of nowhere - there are fields with cows in them right before our complex, and everything is very peaceful. I have no idea what is in store in this new adventure, but I am excited to find out! Many more posts and pictures to come very soon. Have a great day!


E said...

I am so excited for you and Nikki! Wow, to think what roads y'all have been on to get to this point of life, they were hard, but God has great plans for the two of you!

Hugs to you!

uncle john said...

Welcome to your new home! I'm glad everyone and everything arrived safely. Looks like it's going to be a fun place to live. I'm happy for you!

Jill said...

Welcome back to the 21st century and the internet. :) You need to feel honored...I'm using my limited awake time to leave you a comment. I hope you feel better soon! Love and miss you both!

Glenda said...

It's wonderful you are getting settled in at last. Sounds like it will be an awesome place to live! Love you Tiffany! Hugs, Glenda

Jen said...

WOWZA!!! swiffany--it's all so beautiful. the apt is big enough to put about 8 of your previous apts in! and a dish washer, and your own bathroom, AND a laundry room...where do you live? HEAVEN? :) you haven't missed much here. it's been rainy and gloomy and cloudy. talk about being depresed, geez louise...
I am SO excited for you. this next chapter in your life has started on such a WICKED COOL note. :) you are missed. love you so. have fun. God bless ya...xoxoxox-jen