Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We Live Here!!

Greetings to you all from the land of sun, heat, smiles, and Disney World!! Nikki and I were trying to be super responsible and not get our Disney season passes when we first moved down here because neither of us has a job yet, and well....they're not exactly cheap. Well, we made it three weeks before we finally broke down yesterday and got our passes. Nikki had her first Disney audition and it didn't go as well as she would have liked, so we decided that we needed some "theme park therapy". So we purchased our passes online and headed to the Magic Kingdom around 6:30!

Here are some pictures from our first of many trips to Disney....I am putting 2 of me in even though they are similar because we took these pictures in front of my favorite ride at the Magic Kingdom - Splash Mountain. I thought it was cool you could see the boat in one of them. And Nikki was really happy to finally have a coke! :)

We only stayed a couple of hours and rode four rides, but as we walked around, we kept saying, "Oh my gosh, we live here! We can come to Disney World whenever we want!" It was awesome! And to any of you who wish to come visit - we'd love to take you to Disney and share our favorite things! :)

I didn't visit Disney World for the first time until I was a senior in high school and our band came down. Since that time, I have always loved this place. I love the creativity and imagination, the rides, and the way that it helps encourage you to stay young at heart. When I was married, Jeff brought me to Disney for our first anniversary, and as he left a month later, I was always worried that Disney would hold negative memories or be a place I wouldn't want to return to. But over time and several visits, God has totally redeemed this place for me, and now....not only do I still love it, I get to go whenever I want! I am very thankful for that gift.

Nikki and still don't have jobs, and there are more unanswered questions than there are certainties. But as we left Magic Kingdom last night, we stopped for a moment and took in this sight, smiling at the realization.... We live here!


Nikki Alvarez said...

Yes, I did have a coke last night even though I have technically given up caffeine. It was magnificent and I don't regret one single sip or chomp of ice! It was just what the doctor ordered.

Jill said...

Yay for Disney World, cokes, friends, and smiles. So glad to see priorities are in order as you live in the happiest place on earth!