Thursday, July 30, 2009

Still Alive!

Hi everybody! I am so sorry for the delay between my posts. I have been a horrible blogger this month! I am going to attempt to be much better about blogging because there is much to share and I don't want to lose all of my loyal readers.

One reason I haven't written all that much lately is because not a lot has changed. I still don't have a job - ACK! - and am searching everyday for one. Your prayers that something would develop soon would be much appreciated. I have enjoyed the time off though. It's been a time for relaxation, reading, going to the pool, going to Disney, and just giving my body a chance to chill. I'm thankful for this time, although I do need to find a job soon so that I can continue to eat and pay my bills.

Another good thing that has come from this down time is that God is really working in my life, doing some deep healing, and it's been cool - although difficult at times. I'm still processing so many things, but expect a post soon where I try to put some of these last weeks into words.

For now, I thought I'd show a cute picture of Ellie. She is settling in really well and enjoying her new home. She's running all over the apartment and enjoying the space. She loves to go outside on the balcony, and the other day, I caught her sitting in the window on the balcony enjoying the view.

Isn't she cute? :)

Keep checking in - more to come soon, I promise! Love you all!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Awww....cute Ellie!! I know she's loving all that room. I'm excited about all God is doing not only in your life, but Nikki's too and can't wait to hear more! I love you and miss you lots!