Thursday, June 5, 2008


For any of you who have cats....have you ever noticed the phenomenon that occurs when you change your cat's litter? No matter where they might be, it's as if the sound of the clean litter pouring into their fresh litter box inspires movement, and they promptly come and take a dump and ruin the fresh litter. It never fails to amaze me. Does anyone else have this issue? Or do I just have a superhero cat pooper?

Anyway, happy Thursday evening to you all! I am so thankful that the weekend is almost here. I am hoping to get all of the painting finished in my apartment this weekend. That will be a very exciting thing. Michael is coming home in a couple of weeks, so I figure I should get everything finished.

When my Mom and I went to New York, we walked through Central Park some, which was fun. We entered the park at the Strawberry Fields area where John Lennon was inspired to write the song from. There was a memorial to him on the sidewalk. I thought it looked cool, and we took a few pictures. I edited this and liked how it turned out. I might have to blow it up and put it on my wall somewhere - perhaps in my office. I love the quote that says, "To imagine is everything; to know is nothing at all."

Everyone enjoy your Friday! Much love to you from the Boston chick and her cat...


Jill said...

I haven't pondered the pooping phenomenon connected to changing the litter since I've been away from Ellie. I think it's your cat, although it may just be that Kit is too old to care anymore.

This is an interesting thing to pose to your blogging friends. I wonder who will be brave enough to share? :)

Uncle John said...

We don't have a cat, so I can't comment on the pooping in fresh litter hypothesis. I don't remember it happening when we did have Alley. Buddy, our dog, has an interesting habit though. He won't eat his dinner unless he has at least 5 or 6 or more of his toys (usually fetch balls) sitting right next to his bowl. He'll gather them and set them next to his bowl, then eat.

I love the picture!

Janet said...

It's nice to know I'm not the only one with a strange dog. If I accidentally put Jeffrey's food bowl down with the food on the right side he won't eat it until I turn the bowl around! Happy painting & I love you bunches!!