Monday, June 2, 2008

The North Shore With Mum

Greetings! As promised (a day late!), here are pictures and stories from the rest of my Mom's visit. After our fun time in New York, God gave us glorious spring weather for two days. It was in the mid-70's, the sun was shining, and the ocean was a beautiful color blue, as you'll see in some of the pictures below.

On Sunday, we went to church, and then we came home and ate lunch before deciding to go down to the rocks at the end of my street. We laid on the rocks in the sun and rested and took fun pictures and just enjoyed the day. Here are a few pictures from our time there.

After laying on the rocks, we walked on Shore Road to the pier. Here's the Mum on a dock that is anchored off the pier. Isn't the blue water so pretty?? So is the Mum!

On Memorial Day, we walked across the beach by my house to Ocean Lawn and laid on the rocks there. We also went into Rockport and Gloucester to get some "beach town" pictures and stopped by a beach as well. Craziness, but fun! It was VERY windy, as you can tell by my Mom's hair! :)

I had a fabulous time hanging out with my Mom while she was here. It was such a nice break, and we had fun catching up and just relaxing together. It was also fun because she got to meet lots of people and see a bit of my new world that I have developed up here. I know that was cool for her, and they all enjoyed it as well. And Ellie LOVED having her grandmother here! She went through a bit of a depression after she left. I got some cute pictures of them together, but this one that I shall close this entry with makes me laugh every time I see it. I think Ellie looks like a stuffed animal in it! Hope you all enjoy this week. Thanks for visiting me and Ellie, Mum! We love you and miss you!


E said...

Wow, you are so blessed to see so much of your parents and family! It is so beautiful there, Tif!

Uncle John said...

Thanks for sharing the pics! It's amazing how blue the ocean can be up there. I remember that from my trips to Maine. Have a great week!

Jill said...

Gosh, I was just adjusting to being back in the hot, humid weather and then you had to go show these pictures from our perfect weather. Go ahead, gloat now while you can. :)

Thanks to you and Ellie for a great trip and I love and miss you both! We get to see Michael soon if he doesn't get bit by any more ticks or fling himself off of tall cliffs with a bouncy rope attached to him.

Janet said...

The pictures are terrific! I'm glad you had fun with sis. Enjoy your great weather and think about me as I endure 92 degree weather at the Braves game tomorrow. I love you!!