Monday, September 15, 2008

Fall Is Falling!

Howdy, folks! Well, up here on the New England coast, fall is inching its way into existence. We're starting to see hints of color in some of the trees, the temperature is getting cooler..... This week is supposed to be absolutely gorgeous, with highs in the upper 60's. This truly is one of my favorite times of year here. I wish that I could share the smell of the ocean and the sound of the waves and the refreshing air with you. Instead, I can only hope that the pictures I take convey a small taste of what it's like to be here in person.

I went for a walk this evening when I got home from work. It's been awhile since I've walked with my camera, but I did tonight, and it was awesome. God's magnitude and awesome power and love never fail to overwhelm me when I experience Him in the midst of His glorious creation. The Psalms instruct us to "taste and see that the Lord is good", and when I walk here, I can literally do that. Here are some samples from this evening.

I apologize for the length between posts. Last week was absolutely insane. I'll try to get back to posting regularly though, because I want to keep you updated on what's happening here AND I don't want you to stop reading the blog!

I do have some exciting news to share.... This weekend, I have the opportunity to go with some friends of mine down to the Cape! On Saturday, we are either going to go to Nantucket or Martha's Vineyard, and I am really excited! I can't wait to see everything down there, and I promise to take some cool pictures and tell you all about my adventures! I hope that you are all well and that you have a great week. Miss and love you!


Jill said...

These pictures are stunning! They made me get excited about coming to see you in 3 weeks! Enjoy fall for us, but we're getting a break from the sauna we've been living in for a while.

Let us know how the studious brother is doing now that school has started back for him. Pat Ellie for me and tell her I'll see her soon! :) We love and miss you both! Mom

Anonymous said...

These pictures are fantastic. I love the colors and focus you have on the photos. Cool.

Hope you enjoy the Cape. That sounds awesome! Looking forward to seeing your photos from the weekend!

Have fun!