Saturday, September 6, 2008

Weddings & Tropical Storms

Salutations from the tropical stormish North Shore! It's been kind of an interesting day around here. As I mentioned in my last post, I helped with a wedding this weekend. Here are a few pictures of the flowers - a bridesmaid bouquet, a corsage, and the groom flower.

For the reception, I also put the flowers and some candy shells on the cake. The cake came already iced and with ribbon and decoration on it, so I didn't have a lot to do with it, but here's a picture.

This picture is really dark, but this is my friend Lisa, who is due with her first child in about 5 weeks, and a picture of brother and Ellie.

As far as the tropical storm goes, brother and I made it to the reception site early to decorate the cake, so we missed the rain, but it POURED for most of the reception. When we left, it had stopped, but the worst of it is supposed to hit in the middle of the night while we sleep. We could get wind gusts over 40mph, so that'll shake our little apartment. :) Tomorrow is supposed to be pretty nice though, so I don't think this will affect us too much. If we have cool waves when it's light, I'll take pictures, but so far, the waves during the nor'easter last fall were better.

Going to go relax for awhile now that the wedding stuff is done. Chat with you soon!

1 comment:

E said...

Looks like the wedding went well. Flowers and the cake looked great! Stay safe, and enjoy the rest of the weekend!