Monday, September 8, 2008

A Lovely Evening

Aside from Tropical Storm Hanna, which really didn't do that much here, the weather has been absolutely gorgeous. From now until the end of October is one of my favorite times of the year on the great North Shore. If anyone feels the need to come and visit, now is the time! AirTran has had some great deals, so check it out! Brother and I would love to have visitors.

Last night, we grilled some hotdogs out on the porch on our George Foreman grill, and then we sat on the porch with our friend Rachael and had a yummy meal. I have been out on the porch a lot lately, and Ellie loves it. She thinks our neighbor's chair is her own personal throne, and she fell asleep in it a couple of times yesterday. Here she is this evening, being queenly (and looking tired).

High tide happens in the evening here, and you can sit on the porch and hear the ocean waves pounding the shore. You can actually kind of hear it in stereo because we are surrounded on 3 sides by the ocean, and you can hear 2 of the 3 sides. It's a glorious sound! To give you a brief glimpse, here's a view from my porch when I got home this evening.

Have a great week!


E said...

Wow, that is breathtaking, and a beautiful reminder of God's love for us.

Have a great week!

Jill said...

Go ahead, rub it in! :) It's so beautiful and I can't wait to come visit in about a month. Give Princess Ellie a pat for me! Love you, Mom

Uncle John said...

Now wonder Ellie likes to hang out on the porch! What a great view. Give Michael a pat for me! : )

Everything Homemade said...

i lived at the beach right before i moved to Ga...there is nothing like it. it is like coming home to vacation everyday!