Monday, March 16, 2009

A VERY Long Week

Greetings, faithful friends and readers of my blog. I apologize for not posting anything in quite sometime. It has been quite a stretch of time here, and I am just now getting back to posting. Last week was one of the worst weeks I have had in quite some time - work stress, life stress, health stress - all culminating in a few days of experiencing anxiety attacks, which I've never dealt with before. So it's been a little insane. Perhaps at some point I'll go into more details, but I would appreciate any prayer you could send my way as this week unfolds. I am doing better - the anxiety has calmed down a lot, but I am completely exhausted and could use some good nights of sleep. I'm going to Baltimore for the weekend to see my parents - sometimes a hug from mom and dad is needed!! - and I think that will be a good break.

The health stress I mentioned I believe stemmed from the run I went on last Sunday. I never run - EVER - but I guess I was inspired by the sunshine, and I went running without stretching and pushed myself too far. The next night, I did some more exercising that was kind of leg focused, and on Tuesday, my left calf was swollen to twice the size of my right one. Advil took the swelling down, but it was kind of a crazy experience for a few days. I did go to the doctor Friday, and in looking at everything, he didn't think I needed to worry about a blood clot. I have had no swelling since Thursday now, and while my leg is still bothering me as I begin walking and exercising again, I think we're moving forward with it all. I suppose that will teach me to never run again! :)

Anyway, I try to stay real on my blog, and let's face it - sometimes real life isn't pretty. I'll keep you all posted, but thank you for your prayers during a time of high stress. I appreciate you all!


Uncle John said...

Chill little niece! I applaud your attempt at running... The first warm or sunny days as spring approaches will sometimes inspire us to do things we really shouldn't. I'm glad you're feeling better now and I'm sure the visit with your mom and dad will cure all! It will be good for them too. I will certainly send some special prayers your way. Take care!!!

E said...

I am praying for you. I will let Jenny know to pray, too. Love you.

Janet said...

Don't feel knee is currently three sizes bigger than it should be. I too decided to try and get into shape last week during the lovely weather...only I forgot I'm old! I'm praying for you & Michael both.

Aunt Janet

Jill said...

Still praying for you from Baltimore and very excited you're coming to visit. I agree; sometimes you just need a hug from mom and dad (and we need one from our kids too!).

In times of greater stress and need, it's always good to look back and remember God's faithfulness. He never lets go and won't start with you now!

We love you and will see you in TWO days!! :) Mom