Hahahaha....I am amused. ANYWAY, on to other topics. I had class today and tried to get some work done. We have a lot of projects and such to do, plus a lot of journaling everyday, so I'm staying busy. I also found out that one of my closest friends from college passed away early this morning from his battle with cancer. Please keep my friend Emmett's wife Wendy and their 3 year old son Quinn in your prayers as Wendy and Quinn navigate this tough road.
Tonight after dinner, we walked about 2 1/2 miles to a place called Alma's to get ice cream. The ice cream was delicious, but the walk home got a little precarious as we tried to cross the street and not die. Greek drivers don't stop for people, so you can't get in the road and assume they will stop. They will run you over. Thankfully we all made it safely home! Here are a few pictures from tonight and last night of fun times with friends.
Anyway, I must go try to get some rest, but that was my day in Greece. Hope everything is going well wherever you are, and I'll post new updates soon!
My - what a day! I'm sure I'm not alone in being thankful that all of you survived your walk to the ice cream shop. I must confess I giggled as my imagination filled in the blanks of you and Nikki and your naked man statue adventure. If granite could only speak.....
Here's hoping you sleep well! Love you lots!
Hilarious pics:)
Love you!
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