Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tuesday Tidings!

Hi everyone! Greetings from the chilly north, where it's highs in the 60s and lows in the 40s. It is Tuesday, and I am tired. :-) So this is going to be a random blog, filled with whatever comes to my mind. First of all, I totally loved church on Sunday, but I am thinking that I will probably end up going to a church here in Gloucester with Michael. The teaching and music is great at the place I went, but it's far away, and it seems as though it's going to be really difficult to connect with people. I'm really looking for a community to get plugged into, so I think going closer to home will help a lot. Michael has been to this church in Gloucester and really enjoyed it, plus there are lots of people our age there that we can hang out with. So that is probably where I will end up going.

I went to my first divorce care class last night. It was quite interesting. There were only 10 of us in there, so I think it will be a group that definitely connects. Most of the people are much older than me and have kids, but there are similarities in the grieving process and things you have to work through. I think it will be good to go through, just for reminders and encouragement. However, last night served as an encouragement that God is at work in my life and I have been and am moving in a good direction.

Four ladies from the staff at West Ridge are coming to visit me next weekend, and I am SO EXCITED! I can't wait to visit with people from home and see familiar faces and share with them the things that have come to be so special to me here. I'll definitely be posting some awesome pictures of their visit.

Speaking of pictures, I thought I'd give you some random ones. Here is one that I thought looks kind of cool of a fishing pole on the water from when we went boating. I like the sparklies. :-)

I have a stuffed lion, and one day it was extremely windy. Michael put my lion in the wind, and here is the result with its really fluffy mane...

Finally, here is a picture of the cutest kitty on the North Shore. It looks like she is doing crunches or stretching because she is getting fluffy. :-) Everyone have a great week!


E said...

Hey Tiffy,
I am tired too. I am ready for Friday already!

Kim said...

Good Morning Tiffany!

I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy reading your post. They are always so inspiring and and the pictures are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your journey with us! :) Have a good rest of your week and I look forward to your next post. Take care.

Aunt Kim

Janet said...

I'm tired as well and had a not so great week. Thanks for making me laugh at the lion & thank Michael for whatever possessed him to have the lion in the wind! Love to you both!