Thursday, January 17, 2008

Beware Of Black Ice!

Hi everyone! First of all, thank you so much for the many kind and encouraging comments you left on my previous blog. I am more thankful than you know for all of you that God has brought into my life over the years and that I have the privilege of sharing life with so many awesome people. I love all of you so very much!

Secondly, for those of you who live in Georgia, congrats on your snow experience yesterday!! :) It is funny how in living here in the north for a brief time, I totally understand why northern people make fun of us in the south when we freak out about a little snow. However, I know that any snow is cool down there, so I hope you enjoyed it!

And now a funny little story for you before I head off to bed.... It has stayed cold enough here that the snow sticks around. There's probably about 5 inches or so on the ground, with more scheduled to fall tonight. In parking lots and such, as people walk on it, drive on it, etc. it gets packed down and gets really hard and slippery. So you have to be pretty careful when walking because it would be easy to slip and fall. In fact, I've slipped several times before, but I've never actually fallen.

Michael and I had a meeting tonight, so we were walking to our cars, and I wanted to take the trash to the dumpster. I had my purse, my calendar, my keys, and the trash all in my hands. I was carefully picking my way across the white snow/ice so I wouldn't fall, and in the process of watching out for the white stuff, I totally missed the black ice right in front of me. And for the record - I have NEVER experienced black ice that slippery!! Before I knew what was happening, my feet shot out from under me straight up in the air (picture Charlie Brown trying to kick the football and missing!), and I landed on my elbow and backside. All the things that had been in my hands were spread all over the place. Michael heard a big crash and thought maybe I had thrown my keys in the dumpster or something, so he looks over to see me sprawled out on the ground with all my stuff everywhere...... He did check to make sure I was okay before laughing hysterically, which was kind. I probably won't be able to move tomorrow and even with a coat, turtleneck and sweater, I still skinned my elbow....but it was hilarious! Hope this gives you a nice mental picture to chuckle about!

Moral of the story for today.....ALWAYS beware of black ice! And one of my favorite quotes to end the day: "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused." :) Have a great weekend!


Jill said...

So glad you're OK but I still giggle as this mental picture of what you looked like flashes across my brain! :) Have a good end to your week and enjoy the new snow! Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

You are such a joy! I can picture you now...
We all love and miss you.
Linda S

E said...

Glad all is well! Take care of yourself, and enjoy your weekend!