Thursday, January 24, 2008


Good morning, everyone! I am sitting at my desk at work and am so far the only one in the office, so I thought I'd write a quick entry on my blog. I've been a total slacker lately and not putting up as many entries, but I hope that you will keep reading it, and I'll try to get better about updating it! There are many fun things coming up that will provide for some great entries...

Fun thing number 1: I turn 30 two weeks from today!! Who can believe that?! I was thinking the other day about the fact that I am in my last few days of my 20's forever. Turning 30 doesn't bother me, but it's weird to think that I'm moving into a new decade of life. When I turned 20, I was in college, dreaming about what the upcoming years of my life might look like. Now as I approach the end of my 20's, I've learned to not try to figure out what life might look like! :)

My mom is coming up for my birthday, which will be a fun weekend. Hopefully Nikki is going to get to come for a visit the weekend after that. And then at the first of March, I am coming home for a joint 30th birthday party with Nikki. I hope to see many of you there! More details to follow soon....

I suppose I should get to work. I hope that you all have a great day, and I will post again soon! I haven't forgotten about putting pictures up from Christmas either, but Blogger has been really slow lately. I'll keep trying! Happy Thursday!


Jill said...

It might not bother you to be turning 30, but I have to be honest and tell you that it makes me feel really old!! :) Can't wait to see you in two weeks! Love you, Mom

E said...

I love that you are going to have a joint party with Nikki! I know how much you LOVE birthdays! I hope that it is a fantastic time for you!

Have a great weekend! Gosh, I love Saturdays!