Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Books, Cheerios, S'mores, and Ellie

Happy Tuesday evening! I took some random pictures tonight that I am going to try and share with you. Michael came home from school today with the rest of his books for this semester. I took a picture of all of the books that he has to read in these next few months. I'm sure he'll appreciate your prayers for brain power as you see this stack....

After stacking all of the books up, Michael decided to eat some Cheerios before dinner was ready. Apparently, Ellie really likes Cheerios. Who knew? All the pictures I tried taking of her eating a Cheerio didn't turn out because you couldn't tell what she was eating. So at the risk of having to clean up cat throw up Cheerios, here is just a cute picture of her instead. :)

Finally, who says you have to have a fireplace to make a s'more? Here is a picture of my yummy s'more, made in a combination of the oven and the microwave. If you're never microwaved a marshmallow before, try it. They puff up really well!!!

On this Tuesday evening, take a moment to notice the little things that are easy to overlook. Sweet dreams!


E said...


Jill said...

These pictures make me smile. Tell Ellie I will play with her with her string when I come next week. Save a s'more for me; it looks really good! Enjoy your last week as a 20 something. Love you, Mom

Uncle John said...

I'm really starting to think that your mother's comments about you turning 30 soon are connected to the understanding that she is actually getting old! Good thing baby brothers don't age! :)

Nice looking s'more!

Jill said...

I think your uncle is just a little too cocky. His other sister turns 50 in June and then he's not too far behind!