Monday, January 28, 2008

Checkin' In

Greetings blog family! I'm really tired as I sit here typing this. Monday evenings are always sleepy times, trying to recover from working all day after the weekend. I am quite excited about getting in my bed warmed by my electric blanket!

Michael and I played at church yesterday. We were supposed to be at rehearsal at 7:15, so when I got up to get in the shower, it was still dark outside. After showering and getting dressed, I looked out the window to discover that it had snowed overnight and was absolutely beautiful! It was such an awesome surprise! The plows weren't out yet, so we slid our way to church, and the entire worship team ended up being late to rehearsal. It snowed most of the morning, and it was so glorious. There is something so peaceful and restful about the snow - I love this part of God's precipitation plan. I am still not tired of the snow! It makes the cold weather worth it. Although, I am excited about warm weather coming back someday! :)

Anyway, here is a picture of snow on the rocks with the ocean in the background. It's nighttime, but hopefully you can see still see it. Hope you guys have a great week!

1 comment:

Jill said...

This is the coolest picture! Save some snow for me next week but only after I land. Can't wait to see you and Michael and celebrate you being really old! :)
Love you, Mom