Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Washington, D.C.

Okay, as promised, here are pictures from our day in D.C. What a fun day it was! The weather was absolutely gorgeous, and I especially enjoyed the promise that spring really does exist! Here in Boston, everything is still brown and our trees have nothing on them, so to see green leaves and blooming flowers did my soul wonders. Here are some specific spring pictures just because they made my heart smile.

Now here are some of my favorite pictures of the various things that we saw throughout the day....

And now a story...I always thought it would be cool to have a pet squirrel. This is probably the closest I will ever come... My mom and I were walking towards the Lincoln Memorial and took a detour to see the Vietnam Memorial. On our way there, we stopped to get an ice cream bar because they looked yummy. So we're walking along, and these two squirrels come near us. I say, "Hey buddy, how's it going?" Apparently the squirrels in D.C. are brilliant and understand humans (or maybe I speak animal) because this squirrel comes running up to me just like a dog, with the other one fast on its heels. Now I'm slightly freaked out because I have a sudden image in my head of a squirrel running up my leg to get to my ice cream. My mom decides to see if it will come to her, so she squats down and holds out her ice cream wrapper. The following picture resulted....

And have you ever seen a black squirrel?

So those are some of the snapshots of our day. Hope you enjoyed seeing them! Keep an eye out for more entries in the next couple of days with pictures from the ballparks and such. Have a good night!


Uncle John said...

I'll refrain from the obvious comment about your mom being "squirely" and say that was amazing! Usually they are so afraid of humans. That's a very cool picture. The others are very good too! I'm glad y'all had a good time.

Jill said...

How nice of you to refrain from the obvious comment that you said anyway. :) It was crazy when she spoke to it. When it ran right up to her, we really did think it would keep on going up her leg to the ice cream!