Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Painting Cats

In one of my previous entries, I put a picture up of my living room with new paint on the walls. Michael and I have decided to stay in the same apartment for another year for many reasons, a few being that we don't feel like moving, we live on the ocean, and we like our neighbors. Our landlords agreed that we could paint the apartment and do what we wanted with it, and Michael made me promise that I would paint it while he was away in Zimbabwe. So I am slowly cleaning, painting, and transforming our apartment into one that looks like we actually live on the ocean (without being obnoxious!)... When I get it finished, I'll be sure and post some pictures, but for now, a funny story.

I was working on painting the wall that the loft is next to last night. Michael sleeps on the top "bunk", and there is a shelf on it that is very close to the wall. Ellie likes to sit on it, lay on it, look out the door, etc. Last night, as I was painting the wall, she kept sitting on the shelf, peering over it at me, eating my hair, trying to be near me. I saw a disaster looming, so I tried to get her to move. As she turned around, she swished her tail onto the wall and proceeded to cover the top 2 inches of her tail in "princess ivory" paint. Michael's duvet cover is dark brown, so I had visions of it becoming covered in creamy paint. I'm trying to get to her to get the paint off her tail without chasing her where she can spread it everywhere. I finally capture her, where I have to hold her down, grab her tail and scrub the paint off. She was squirming all over the place trying to get away. After all the paint was gone, she was quite miffed and ignored me for about an hour. After cleaning off the paint, I had to go wipe all of the cat fur off the wall in the new paint. Never a dull moment!

Here is a picture of Ellie peering down at me last night and a picture of her relaxing on Michael's bed - clearly happy to be the queen! Thanks God for animals that make us smile! :)


E said...

That is a cute post, and I don't even like cats!

Jill said...

Ahhh....."princess ivory" Ellie. How that fits in so many ways. I can't wait to see the new color in person next week! I love you and wish you happy painting days. :)