Monday, May 19, 2008

Painting Fun

Happy Monday, all of my blogging friends! I hope that you had a splendid weekend. I did - I got a ton done in my apartment - cleaning, painting, sorting, organizing, throwing away, etc. It's really starting to take shape and look really cute, and I am excited! I have posted a quick picture below for you to see the progress. It's a little hard to see the color of the bottom part of the wall, but this gives you a general idea. I got new curtains and a new rug, and I love it! As I continue in the painting process, I'll be sure and post more pictures, but this is a good start.

My mom is coming into town on Wednesday evening to visit for the long weekend. I am quite excited to see her and know we'll have lots of fun. We're going to a Yankees game Friday night, and beyond that, we plan to just relax and enjoy hanging out. It's beautiful here - everything is in full bloom, so it will be quite nice. There will be many posts and pictures to follow!

Hope you all have a great week! :)

1 comment:

Jill said...

Everything looks so good! I can't wait to see it in person. Tell Ellie she's going to have to share Michael's bed.... :)