Monday, August 11, 2008

Back In Boston

Hello once again, everybody, and welcome to another night of Tiffany's Tales from the rainy and cool North Shore of Massachusetts. [side tangent - that opening, for those of you who aren't baseball fans, was in honor of Skip Caray, one of the voices of the Atlanta Braves, who passed away while I was at home. His memorial service was today, and I thought I'd remember him by opening and closing this blog entry in the same manner in which he opened and closed broadcasts. I don't have hardly any Braves memories that his voice isn't a part of. He will be missed.]

Anyway, on to blogging. I apologize for the delay between blogs, but I was busy visiting with many of you and trying to relax a bit between the visits, and now you get an extra long entry. I experienced a bit of culture shock on this visit home - to be explained in a moment - and now back in Boston, I am experiencing reverse culture shock. I went from hot and humid to cool. When I got home from work tonight, it was so cold in the apartment that I had to turn off the little window unit AC, and even with it off, I am sitting here in a sweat shirt and squishy pants. I will say I am very thankful for the clean and crisp air up here after breathing the nasty Atlanta air. If you guys come and visit me up here, you'll choke on the air when you get back to the ATL. :)

I had a fantastic visit home, and thank you so much to all of you who went out of your way to spend time with me. I know that people's schedules are crazy, and I appreciate the opportunity to spend time with some of the folks that are so important to me. For those I missed this time around - perhaps Christmas??

As far as the culture shock goes that I mentioned a moment ago, here are a few examples. After living in 400 square feet for a year now, my parents' house - that I grew up in - felt like a mansion! It took me awhile to get used to it. And another weird thing....while that will always be my home - I grew up there, so many of you are there, so many memories are there - this time around, I felt like a visitor. I guess that's what happens as more time passes by, but it was a little strange. Since being here for a little over a year now, I realize that I have two homes, and as much as I love my roots, I also love the life God has given me here. I will say that He gave me amazing roots, and the foundation I have there has helped me be successful here. Thanks to all of you for your support, love and many prayers. They are being answered daily! :)

Enough seriousness for now....on to pictures!! Here are a bunch of me with some of you! I got my hair highlighted by the people who have been doing my hair since I was about 8.

I got to have breakfast with the Webbs (yay Chick-fil-a!!) and discuss the fabulous game Settlers of Catan (if you haven't played this game, learn how. It's awesome!!!)

I got to eat at Sprayberry's bar-b-que (lots of eating on this trip!) with my fantastic grandparents - love you guys!

I got to snuggle with my cat Kit, who is quite old but I think still remembers that while the parents take care of her, she's really mine. :) Just for reference, this picture was taken after I had spent 8 hours painting at my brother's new house as a housewarming gift. A picture of his new brown accent wall and the new color of his downstairs bathroom follow. Go visit him! I love his house - I'm proud of you brother! :)

I got to spend some good time with Jeanne, my favorite person to chunk with. I miss you!

I celebrated my half birthday, which is a big deal for those of you who know me. Let the record show that I am now 30 1/2!! My mom made me brownies and cut birthday napkins in half, and I sang to myself (with help)!

I was able to spend time with my beautiful sister - I am so thankful for kindred spirits, and I love you!

And of course, I got to spend time hanging with the fam, all of whom I adore and am so thankful for.

I think that about does it for now! I had so much fun being home, shared some wonderful conversations, and for those who I did see and yet there aren't pictures to show, that's what you get for being shy and not wanting to be made famous on the blog! :) I hope you guys know that I enjoyed sharing time with all of you. I am so thankful for the roots God has given me that in many ways have helped give me the courage to live in freedom in a new place.

More to come in the days ahead. But for now, this concludes another night of Tiffany's Tales. So long everybody.


Jill said...

A touching tribute to Skip who will certainly be missed.

This blog reminds me of how busy we were and why I'm so tired still! But it was wonderful having you in your GA home for a week and I'll see you in October when I visit your Gloucester home. I'll probably need winter clothes by then, won't I?? :)

God has truly blessed you with so many people who love you that have prayed for all of us in the last year and a half. (Don't stop now!)

As Chris Tomlin sings, "Greater things are yet to come, greater things are still to be done in this city"....and yours! I can't wait to see what that is. We love you and miss you. Mom

Uncle John said...

Very nice remembrance of Skip Caray. It's still weird to think that we won't be hearing him on the Braves' broadcasts anymore. It was great to see you again while you were here!

Glenda said...

Tiffany, it sounds like you experienced some of the emotions Paige felt about going "home" to Sitka, was a wonderful time of reconnecting with family and friends and of course the beauty of Alaska...but as he told me, "home" is not "Sitka, Alaska" anymore.

It is such a joy to see the love you share with your parents, brothers, extended family and friends. You are a precious young woman surrounded by a multitude of people who love you!

I watched our 41 year old swimmer win her silver medal in the Olympics tonight. I loved her answer when the reporter asked her "What will you tell your 2 year old someday about this Olympics?" She responded that we should never say we are too old to achieve our dreams (I'm paraphrasing).

I loved the thought of that. Life brings us all so many experiences that dash our dreams and wound our hearts. We have the hope of eternity with our Lord, and the comfort of knowing He will never leave or forsake us as we live in this life. I pray for us all that we will never give up on our dreams, whatever they matter how old we get while we are waiting!

Paige tells me often he loves to dream because it's absolutely free!

As your mom said from Chris Tomlin, "Greater things are yet to come, greater thingsa re still to be done in this city"....and I agree with her...that will be the truth in your new city Tiffany!

God be with you always! Hugs from Paige and me both!