Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Friends & Family

On Sunday afternoon, we had an open house for my cousin, who just graduated from college. After spending four years in the army, he went to college and worked hard to finish his degree as quickly as possible. I am SO proud of the cousin! I can't wait to see all that God has in store for him in this next chapter of life. Here is a picture of him with his brothers, my brother, and our grandmother (and me!).

Here are a few more pictures of family and friends - me with my uncle, aunt, and cousin, me with my brother who lives here in Georgia, me with my friend Glenda, and me with my "sister" Sarah...

I always joke with people about how famous they will be if I put their picture on my blog, so here's a picture of two of my closest friends from high school with their little sisters so they will be "famous".

After my cousin's celebration, I had some friends over for a mini reunion. When I was in high school, there was a group of us "band nerds" who became really close friends, and most of us have managed to stay in touch over the years. I still consider these guys some of my closest friends and enjoy the privilege of having friends who have known you for years and still stick around. It was great to see everyone and catch up a bit, and I appreciate all of you making time in your busy lives to come by. Here is a picture of the girls, and then a picture of everyone, including our high school band director who came by as well.

I think we all still look pretty good, don't you?? :) Just for comparison, here's a picture of us from early college. We were minus one girl the other night. Please ignore my absolutely horrible hair - I had gotten a really bad haircut that I was trying to recover from. I have great self esteem to be posting this picture....but 10 years later, I think we all look pretty similar!

I'm having a great time catching up with people here and enjoying spending time with my family. The time is going by very quickly, and I know it'll be time to head back to Boston before I know it. But I will return with lots of fun memories and shared times....and to cooler temps. :)


Jill said...

Yay for friends and family! I think it's so cool that God gives us kindred spirits who are with us for life. It was fun to see everyone.

P.S. Love the hair...... :)

Glenda said...

Tiffany, your family is such an example of people who stick together for life! I loved seeing the photos of you with everyone...especially the older college one. Neat to see that comparison! I hope you will have lots of fun this week - enjoy every single minute! Hugs,Glenda

Don said...

Holy Smokes!
What a great group of people and pictures!

It looks like everyone was doing great and boy am I sorry that I was not in town!

Anonymous said...

hey tiffany - i'm glad we bumped into each other on sunday. ~kelly :)

E said...

Awww there is my sister and kiddo! So sweet!

I hope you had a good time at dinner tonight. Welcome back to GA!

The hair...oh, the hair!

Steven said...

i can't believe there's only 4 of us cousins left to graduate college now. times flown by.