Sunday, August 3, 2008

Back in Georgia

Greetings from the HOT south! It's so hot here! I'd forgotten how hot it is in August in Georgia, but I'm getting a quick reminder. It's hard to breathe when you go outside, and we spent all afternoon and evening yesterday outside at the Braves game. We had a great time, and I got lots of "home" things crammed into one day.

On the way to the game, we stopped at the Varsity, which has the yummiest greasy food ever! They were celebrating their 80th year of operating on Saturday, and I think the grease they use is the same grease they had when they opened. :) Doesn't this look so yummy???

The Braves lost, but I still enjoyed being in my home stadium.

Two great icons of Atlanta - Coke and Chick-fil-a. Bet you've never seen a cow in a Braves hat that does the tomahawk chop...

After the game, Steven Curtis Chapman had a concert. A severe thunderstorm came through right after they got everything set up that delayed the concert for an hour, but it was worth the wait. Due to the rain, they were unable to have the whole band play, but Steven came out and did an unplugged set by himself, and it was awesome. I'm sure most of you are aware that they lost their 5 year old daughter 2 months ago when one of their sons accidentally ran over her in their driveway. Listening to his story of the journey they are on and how despite the questions and the good days and bad days, they are still choosing to praise the name of was so encouraging and an awesome evening of remembering who God is and what it means to trust. Even in the midst of storms, God brings beauty. The color behind SCC was the sunset God gave us after the massive storm.

Finally, we hit up Krispy Kreme on the way home for a hot glazed donut. Mmmmm....another Atlanta landmark I was happy to visit!

Today we had a graduation celebration for my cousin and some of my closest high school friends came over. It was a full day of catching up with family and seeing old friends. I'll post pictures of that tomorrow.


Glenda said...

It was so great to see you and give you a hug today. Your family's home was filled with people so happy to see you and to celebrate Joey's graduation too. I wish Paige could have seen you, but maybe next time! Your new haircut looks beautiful by the way. I hope you have a wonderful week doing lots of fun things with family and friends! God bless you Tiffany! Hugs, Glenda...and Paige too

Anonymous said...

Ahh the Varsity... I remember that place! Mmmmmm greasy food :) I also remember my cousin, when she was about 6 or so, saying, "There's Fart City" when we drove by it (and she was dead serious - she thought that's what we were saying when we said "Varsity") LOL

Sounds like you're enjoying your time at home! Say hi to your fam for me!

Glenda said...

Cracking up here...

Not sure I'll ever recover from the
"There's Fart City" comment about Varsity!'ve got great friends with great humor!
