Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Christmas Preview

Greetings, my fellow blog readers who never leave comments! :) I just always assume people are reading, but throw me a bone once in awhile people, and it will make my heart smile. Hahahaha!

Anyway, I am in the process of trying to create a "holiday card" for our company that we send out to all of our clients and our employees. I mean, why pay someone else to design something if it's fun to do it yourself? Of course, anything I come up with has to be approved, but I am working on it right now. I edited a picture I took last winter to have as the front of the card, and I put Happy Holidays in a pretty red flowing script across the bottom of the picture. I can't show you that at the moment, but here is the picture I am using. I made it be black and white, except for the red bow and a bit of a glow in the lamp, and I like the simplicity and classic feeling of it.

My cat is finally settling down for a snooze. Remember me telling you about how birds had built a nest out on top of our neighbor's porch light? Well, that has resulted in birds flying all over the place, and when I was sitting out on the porch the other night, one of the birds flew back to the nest, and I saw a baby bird stretch its head up out of the nest! It was soooo cute! Anyway, the birds were everywhere tonight, and Ellie spent about an hour running from the screen door to the window and back trying to chase them. I was amused.

The weather here is absolutely gorgeous! Clean, crisp air, high temps at about 70-72, and it's very cool at night. We are sleeping with the windows open, and I was buried under my comforter last night, as was brother. Ahh, fall in New England.

I'm looking forward to this weekend - a day off Monday, and some time to have fun and relax! Hope you all have a good rest of the week. Love from the north!


Anonymous said...

Love the blog!! Keep it coming!!! Your pictures are beautiful and you seem to really be enjoying yourself in the incredible weather! I like reading all your posts. Thanks!

E said...

I like the card.

E said...

Oh, too bad you have to be "PC" and can't put Merry CHRISTmas!

Everything Homemade said...

we are looking forward to the holiday weekend in this house as well, a vacay for daddy is a vacay for mommy! i will make sure i am better about posting comments...i feel the same way about wanting to know someone is actually out there. love the card, very cool affects to the picture

Jill said...

I love the picture! You'll have to let us know if they decide to use it. Just think, soon it will look like that outside for you while WE have 70 degree weather. :) Yes, I am evil...but I love you! Mom

Janet said...

Here's your Aunt posting a comment! I hope you and Michael have a terrific Holiday you both!!!!

Uncle John said...

Wanna trade the crisp 70 degree days for the tropical storm and pending hurricanes we're having? Didn't think so. Glad you guys are getting the nice weather to enjoy! I like the picture too. Hope they choose to use it.

. said...

Yes, dear, you are read all the time but many I am sure! Beautiful picture!