Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

Hi everybody! I hope I still have people that read my blog since I have done such a horrible job of updating it lately. I do apologize. I promise there will be many blogs coming soon with lots of fun pictures and information. Before I give you a preview of what's to come, let me tell you about what an amazing weekend this has been so far.

First of all, I went outside without my coat on!!!! Yes, the high temps are only in the mid-30's, but do you understand how warm that feels? Amazing thing number 2 is that I saw a patch of grass this weekend! I haven't seen any grass in probably 2 months, so that was pretty monumental. There are still piles of snow everywhere, as evidenced by the picture below, but it's melted enough in just a few places for grass to appear. It just helps us remember that spring will one day come again.

Another fun thing that has happened this weekend is that Brother gave me Wii Fit for my birthday. He gave it to me early so he could play with it too! It's tons of fun, and it is much cheaper than joining a gym but just as effective. I did a 40 minute workout yesterday, and can I just say that I am SO SORE today! I would be somewhat embarrassed about admitting that, but you would be sore too. I'm going to keep at it though and soon I will be a Buff Midget!

My 31st birthday is this coming Saturday. I have the extreme privilege of getting to fly down to Orlando on Tuesday afternoon to spend the week at Disney World with some of my best friends in the whole world! I am SO EXCITED!!!

Nikki, Jenn and I were inseparable until we all started moving away, but we have the chance (along with MUM!) to spend time together in Orlando this week, sharing some life, some laughs, a birthday celebration with Mickey Mouse, and some sunshine, and I am so looking forward to it. I know I will have many stories to share with you and lots of fun pictures. I'm not entirely sure what sort of Internet access I'll have while down there, so it may be that I have to wait and post stuff once I return, but if I can put updates on the blog while I'm there, I will.

In the meantime, I'd ask that you pray that I will actually be able to fly out of here. My flight is scheduled to leave at 4m on Tuesday, and it looks like there is about a 70% chance so far of a massive snow storm hitting here on that day. Hopefully it'll stay away long enough for me to get out!

Hope you all have a great week, and I'll be in touch soon. Happy Super Bowl watching!


Jill said...

Yay for tiny signs of spring that really is coming!! I have daffodils poking through the ground. :)

I'm so excited about celebrating your birthday in Disney and getting to spend time with Jenn and Nikki too. Thanks, God, for kindred spirits!

Hopefully I will see you Tuesday evening at the Atlanta airport to continue on to Orlando! I can't wait!

Janet said...

Have a great time in Mickeyland & bring me back some Mickey ears! In case you don't have internet in Orlando here's wishing you a wonderful birthday on Saturday. Love ya!
Aunt Janet

Anonymous said...

I'll keep the snowstorm here longer so that you can fly out on Tuesday! :) I would love to have more snow anyway! They're not even sure if it will hit us... it depends on how close it "tracks to the coast."

Have an amazing time in Disney World! It sounds like so much fun! Happy early Birthday, too!! I'll actually be in FL a couple of weeks later (2/17-2/22) with my parents - they always go down to visit a great aunt and uncle of mine (who are like grandparents to me) and they invited me with my parents this year! I need a break from work and found out I get more vacation time this year, so I said "count me in!" :) We're driving down, so it will be a long trip, but fun.

So, this was a really long comment - sorry - more like an email!

B, E, G, and R luv you and wish you happy birthday, too!

Anonymous said...

I meant to email you today, but never got a chance. I hope you have a wonderful trip with no delays. Enjoy your special day with your special friends and fabulous Mom. I love you, Jeanne