Sunday, March 30, 2008

Baseball's Back

As I sit here typing this blog, the Braves are playing baseball on TV. Sigh.... Life is good! :) Even though the Braves are losing and it'll take a 9th inning rally for them to win, I've enjoyed this evening. I have to watch most games on my computer because we don't get them up here, so it's nice to have a game on TV. Except can I just say that the ESPN announcers are complete morons!

Anyway, I have been telling you about my picture that I got put on canvas. These aren't great pictures because the lighting isn't good. The picture is much more vibrant than it appears, but at least this will give you an idea....

Hope you guys all have a great week!


E said...

THe picture looks amazing!

Go BRaves!

E said...

I saw Nikki tonight and it of course made me think of you!

Hope all is well! We love and miss you! Maren is getting SO big!