Thursday, July 24, 2008

Drivin' A Boat

Greetings, all! I am writing from a RAINY and MORE RAIN and EVEN RAINIER New England. I know that I can't complain because all of my Georgia friends only wish they could share in some of this rain. I'm a little ready to see the sun though. I have seen some wicked hard rain the last few days (it is now my goal to use "wicked" as an adjective at least once in every post!!). Yesterday when I got off work, it was pouring, and while I had an umbrella, it wasn't a lot of help. My pants were soaking wet from the knees down. I drove home in some of the hardest rain I've ever seen.

Despite all of the rain, I was able to go out on a sailboat on Tuesday evening with all of my coworkers for a corporate outing that we had. It was a lot of fun and a beautiful sail on an awesome boat. The crew was a family, and they were great. The captain let me drive or steer or whatever it is you do with sailboats for awhile, and that was cool. It's a lot more involved than it appears! Here are some fun pictures from my evening....

I got to help raise the main sail.

My friend Mark came as a pirate!

Here are some pictures of me steering, the first with the captain's help. (And yes, it's late July, and yes, I was wearing a sweatshirt. It was COLD on the water! My nose was running by the time we got back to shore it was so cool.)

Finally, here is a picture of our whole corporate team, minus one person who couldn't make it.

So there you have it! Hope you enjoyed my sailing pictures. It was truly a fun evening. I love my coworkers and am thankful to work with such a great group of people.

Hope you all have a great Friday! If you're counting down with me, I'll be back in GA a week from tomorrow night! Can't wait to see all of you soon! Much love to you, and may rain come your way. :)


Jill said...

What a great post! I love that you're getting to have all of these awesome new experiences. Now if would just share some rain....

Can't wait to see you in a week! Love, Mom

Glenda said...

You look so happy being out on the water! I love the ocean so much, and I'm thankful God is allowing you to experience the joy of living close to His beautiful creation!
Love you, Glenda