Friday, July 18, 2008

Life Is Never Dull!

Happy Friday to all of my dear blog readers! I don't have much brain power at the moment, as I am fighting a chest cold and don't feel well, but I thought I'd update you on the latest news from the North Shore. Yesterday, brother and I were made aware of the fact that our apartment is in foreclosure and that an auction date has been set for August 6th. This news was passed on to us by our neighbors, who received an email from the law office to inform them of the auction. You can imagine our state of disbelief upon hearing this news....

Michael did talk to our landlord yesterday, and she assured us everything is under control. These are the same people who told us they would take care of our power when we got a notice about it, and we came home to no power, so we'll see. :) They are trying to get their loan reworked and it is supposed to be taken care of in the next few days. I talked with the lawyers today who sent the notice, and they basically said there is nothing we can do but wait and see. They said sometimes the bank will work with you and sometimes they won't, and there is no way to know what will happen until it all plays out. While our landlords are in the process of getting stuff worked out, the bottom line is that the unit is in the foreclosure process and an auction date will remain scheduled for Aug. 6th. So if anything happens and they can't get what they need, it would still happen. The lawyers did say that we would have at least 30 days to find a new place to live if it does go through. I guess we'll know something final in a few weeks! Hopefully it will all work out because I just finished painting and would be very sad to have to leave....

I just wanted to make you all aware of this so you can be praying for the situation. We obviously hope that nothing will come of this and it will be no problem, but I have learned in life that anything is possible. I'd appreciate your prayer that this will all go down as it needs to, and if worst case scenario does for some reason take place, we would be able to easily find a different place to live. I've long since stopped trying to figure out God's sense of humor, and I know if we need to move, we will, and if not, it will all work out. We'll certainly keep you posted!

In other news, Michael has a bad sinus infection, and as I said at the beginning of this blog, I am fighting a chest cold. At least the weekend is here! I am supposed to be going on a sunset cruise tomorrow evening to celebrate one of my coworker's graduation, so I'll be sure to post pictures of that. Have a great weekend!


Jill said...

And the adventure continues.....

We're praying and know that God will continue to be faithful to you in every way.

Feel better soon! We love you, Mom

Uncle John said...

Little did your mom realize when she worked at the Scream Machine at Six Flags all those years ago that it would be a foreshadow of your last couple of years! You and Michael remain in our prayers. I'm certain all will workout fine. Hope you both feel better soon!

Everything Homemade said...

oh i hate that, especially after you just did all of that work making it your own. maybe i dont understand foreclosure, but it seems that if everyone is paying their rent and they are putting the money in the right place that shouldnt happen right? well we will be praying for you and i know it will all make sense someday. yeah, i know that is comforting:)

. said...

As I read this the first thing I thought of was - "her new paint job!" I know you'd hate to leave as you have nested and made it your own but, as always, the Lord has big plans!
Looking forward to hear how this plan pans out!