Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The State Of Things

So it's not gonna be the Atlanta Braves year. And the Boston Red Sox nearly got no-hit tonight and are struggling to stay in second place. I am sad about the Braves season, but there's always next year. Ah well, football is just around the corner!

In other news, my cat is losing it. It all started when some neighborhood birds decided that our neighbor's porch light would make a very good place to build a nest. I was out on our porch watering my flowers when I saw a bunch of stuff hanging from the light, and as a couple of days went by, it turned into a great nest. However, with a nest, that means that birdies come to live in said nest. Ellie has been spending her days laying/sitting/hunched in the window that looks out at the porch meowing and ack-acking at the birds. Tonight, I got home when it was already dark and needed to water my flowers, so I turned on our porch light and let Ellie run around while I watered. In only minutes, a huge colony of ladybugs became drawn to the light and were flying at Ellie, at the door, the side of the apartment, etc. Ellie was totally freaked out, so I let her in, but even in quickly opening the door, a few got inside. Now there are ladybugs flying around in the apartment, so Ellie is alternating between hiding from them and meowing at them. Birds and ladybugs. Nervous breakdown ahead?? Or will brother throw the won't stop meowing cat out the window before the nervous breakdown occurs?? I'll keep you posted.

Only three more days until I get to come visit! Can't wait to see you guys! :)

1 comment:

Jill said...

At least she makes you laugh! There's something to be said for that. Although it isn't really funny at 5:30 a.m., is it? :)

Can't wait to see you soon! Pat psycho kitty for me! Love you, Mom