Saturday, October 4, 2008

Go Red Sox!

Guess what??? Tomorrow night, I get to go to the Boston Red Sox playoff game!!! Because they won the first 2 games in Anaheim, if they win tomorrow, they will clinch the series and move on. So not only do I get to go to a playoff game at Fenway, but it could be a clinching game!! I am excited!

My boss at work has a brother that's a VP of some sort in the Red Sox organization. She got 2 free tickets from him and asked me if I wanted to go. Sick or not, how do you turn that down?? So tomorrow night, I'll be among the Fenway faithful cheering on the Red Sox. I'll take pictures and post them at the first of the week! Enjoy your weekend. :)

1 comment:

Jill said...

How exciting! You need to teach the Braves fans how to be fans after experiencing the faithful at Fenway.

Thanks for your last post and the truth to ponder. Nike probably had it best when they coined the phrase, "Just do it".

Keep getting better and have lots of fun. Maybe if they're playing while I'm there we can go??? :)

Hugs to you and Michael and Ellie!