Sunday, October 12, 2008

Learning To Knit

My Mom is teaching me to knit! Who knew?? :)

Here is a closeup of my new scarf that I am knitting for my brother in UGA colors.

I have had fun learning how to knit, and I'm looking forward to making some scarves and maybe learning how to make some socks and who knows what else. Something to do in the cold winter months, right?

My mom and I enjoyed hanging out in Rockport today after church and spending some time down on the rocks by my house. The weather has been perfect, and it's been such a treat to be able to spend time with her. There will be many pictures to come, but here's one from earlier this evening. Love you guys!


E said...

I am so glad you're having fun! Perhaps you could knit baby girl a new blanket or socks, or hat? I am sure Jenny would adore that! :)

Can you believe she will be here in 6 weeks from Wednesday?!?!?! I can't wait to meet baby girl in 10 weeks when we're home for Christmas!

Anonymous said...

So glad you are enjoying your time with your Mom. The pictures are fantastic. You've got the best of both worlds with the beautiful fall colors and the majestic ocean.
Miss you!