Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Fun With Photos

Hi everybody! On my mom's side of the family at Christmas, we have a "white elephant" gift exchange each year where each person brings a serious gift under a certain price limit, and we play the game to see who gets what. It's a lot of fun and a great way to celebrate together without everyone going broke. I won't be in GA yet when they gather for the event this year, but I am sending my gift with my dad so that I can participate in spirit. For those of you who are family and read this blog, this can give you a preview of what to expect. I decided to send 4 of my photos - one from each season - so they can be framed as individual pictures or all in the same frame or whatever the person who receives them wants to do. The pictures I chose are:

I just picked up the prints, and if I do say so myself, they look lovely. :) Good luck, family!

I am going to Baltimore this weekend to hang out with the Pa. I can't wait to see him and to see a bit of the city that will be another place to call "home". Hope you are all well, and as Christmas is 3 weeks from tomorrow, I will be seeing a lot of you very soon!


Janet said...

Awesome! It looks like whoever opens yours first won't get to keep it for long. Love to you and Michael both & see you soon. Have fun with Pa!

Jill said...

I'm anticipating a big free for all in Aunt Kim's living room over these pictures. You can have more prints made for your mother, you know. :) They really are great pictures and you did a nice job on editing them.

I'm glad you get to spend the weekend with Dad in Baltimore. Give him a hug for me and enjoy yet another new and fun place for the Jones family to call home.

Uncle John said...

They're mine... All mine!!! Nobody else should even think about stealing them when i pick them. Great pics Tiff!

Glenda said...

God has given you a talent for photography! Great pix!