Monday, December 15, 2008

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

Greetings, dear friends and family! It has been a crazy past week, and it doesn't show any signs of slowing down! I love the holidays because you get to spend so much time with people you care about, but it makes for a lot of craziness as well.

Last Thursday evening, we had our community group Christmas gathering. It was a really special time. We wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for all they had done for the past year and share briefly why we were thankful for them. The leader and I didn't think it would take all that long, but when we started, we gave everyone in the room the option to join us in thanking each person if they so chose. THREE HOURS later, we finished! While it made for a very late night, it was an amazing time that we shared together.

We so often fail to let the people who mean the most to us know what we appreciate about them and why. We're so quick to point out the faults and issues and problems, and we just assume they'll know we care. I would challenge all of you to be intentional this Christmas about letting the people you have the opportunity to share life with know that you care about them and why. Life as we know it can change in the blink of an eye - we all know that. Don't let this holiday season go by without letting those in your life know they are loved. And let's work together at being intentional about this all year long - then maybe it won't take 3 hours at a time to do!!

This past weekend, brother and I had the fun of having a friend from home pop in for a visit. We showed him around the area on Saturday, and it was COLD! Here are a couple of pictures of Michael and Jack and one of me and brother. Jack was a trooper - the high that day was only 25, and we had winds from 10-20 mph.

Then last night, I had my office Christmas party. It was at a BBQ place right outside of Boston, and it was really fun! I got to meet some of our managers that I had never met before, and I enjoyed hanging out with my coworkers. I am very thankful that I get to work with people I enjoy being with! Here is a picture of me and my boss, Leanne, and then me and my friend Brandi.

It's supposed to rain/snow for the next 2 days, so we'll see what happens with that. I have Christmas gifts to get finished up this week, lots going on at work and out of work, and I only have 5 days of work left before I get to come to GA for a visit! Can't wait to see all of you! Have a great week, and I'll be in touch soon!


Glenda said...

It's always wonderful to see your beautiful smile Tiffany! I'm glad you get to come see your family here over Christmas. We love you!

Jill said...

It doesn't really look much like Christmas here yet with all the paint stuff around. Maybe by this time next week......

I hope you get some snow. If you do, take some pictures!

Can't wait to see you and Michael! Have a good week and try not to stress too much over all you have to do (says the mother who needs to be reminded of the same!).

Love you lots!!