Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's Interesting.... having the windchill be negative 3 degrees makes 45 degrees feel quite warm. This is a phenomenon that I had not experienced prior to living in the north. When I come to GA for Christmas, if it's 50 or higher, we're breaking out the sunscreen!!

My cat was walking around the apartment meowing incessantly, so I picked her up and held her and patted her for a few minutes while she purred, and now she is fine. Maybe she is preparing me for children someday?

Many fun things are happening between now and Christmas, beginning with our Community Group Christmas party tomorrow evening. I'll post pictures and stories of all the fun events that lead up to me getting to come home to GA for a nice long visit! Looking forward to seeing lots of you soon!


Janet said...

This is your favorite Aunt leaving you a comment! I read your blog all the time, & I'll get better at leaving you comments. Love to you & Michael...see you soon!

Jill said...

Forget the sunscreen - you'll need a boat!! :) Yes, life is all about perspective, isn't it?

Pat my grandkitty for me. Maybe she misses me and you should bring her home for Christmas?? She wouldn't be bored and neither would Kit. Ha!!

Love you and can't wait for our family to all be under the same roof for a while.