Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Fun With Photos

Okay, who knew you could have so much fun and added creativity with photo software?? I am really enjoying trying to figure out how to use this photo editing software that I received for my birthday. The coolest part is that you can do awesome stuff, but I have figured out that I have NO idea what any of it means! Perhaps I should take a class or something. I am just having fun being creative and experimenting and seeing what I like in editing a photo, even if I don't know what all of the technical terms mean. So I thought I'd share some of my attempts. I won't do this with all of them, but just to show you what you can do with a picture, here is the original of a picture I took from this summer that I really liked...

Now, here is my edited version.

How cool is that? It's neat too because you could make it look a hundred different ways depending on how you edit it. I think I'm going to like this!

Here are 2 more pictures I just edited. I plan on blowing some of these up and framing them to hang on my walls.

Well, I'll keep sharing pictures as I create some. For now, I am going to go. Hope you all have a very Happy Valentine's Day! Much love to you all!


E said...

You are a great photographer!

Judy said...

I love the pics!