Monday, February 18, 2008

Sister Nikki

This weekend, my sister Nikki came to Boston for a visit! We had a fantastic time, even though it was really cold. On Saturday, when Nikki arrived, we walked around downtown Boston in the 20 degree weather. So much for trying to convince her to move here with me.... :)

We got to see the North Shore and Rockport. Here is a picture of Nikki in Rockport..

I'll post more pictures soon, but the best ones are on Nikki's camera, and once she emails them to me, I'll add some. Thanks, sister for coming to visit. I had a great time and enjoyed hanging out with you! You're awesome, and I love you!

I have a very important blog coming soon regarding our 30th birthday party, so keep your eyes peeled! In the meantime, Ellie says hello to everyone!


E said...

What a cute picture of the kitty! I am glad you had a great time with Nikki, she is so sweet!

I hope all is well. Have a great week! Hopefully, you have today off, too!

Jill said...

What cute pictures! I know you had fun getting to hang out with Nikki and soon we get to party together! Love you both, Mom

Uncle John said...

How does that old saying go? You can lead a cat to water, but you can't make it lie next to it in a box. Or something like that anyway...

Jill said...

Should you ever wonder where my genetic greatness comes from, look no further than my brother's wit and wisdom. :)

genibear said...

Just want you to know that I really enjoy reading your entries and all of your pictures. I have saved most of them to a "family folder" on my computer. Ir sounds like you really have your life together....keep up the good work.
Love you - hugs to you and Michael.
Aunt Jeanne
P.S. The picture you took and posted of your Mom was especially GREAT.